Housing Hurricane Evacuation Policy

Policy #: 
STS 1003.001
Executive Owner: 
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & Health and Biomedical Sciences

All AdventHealth students in the University Housing.


To provide the necessary protocol and a plan of action for AdventHealth University Housing Students during a hurricane evacuation during hurricane season. 


All AHU Housing students will be encouraged to seek shelter outside of the Housing complex.  Those who are unable to find shelter will be instructed to follow the directions of the Administrator in Charge of the Evacuation, Housing Staff, or Security; who will direct the students to a specific designated location.  The University administration or their designee will disseminate the most up-to-date information to the students via the emergency notification system.


Administrator in Charge of the Evacuation- Designated person in charge of the evacuation procedures.

Hurricane Season - June through November

Housing Complex - Properties of Bay Run and LaSalle Arms


CommitteeDate VotedMinutes Code
President's CouncilMonday, April 13, 202020:58
Approved by: 
Edwin Hernandez
Approval Date: 
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Effective Date: 
Monday, April 13, 2020
Review Date: 
Monday, October 31, 2022