This policy applies to all off-campus school sponsored events.
To ensure that administration is appraised and approves all off- campus school sponsored events.
All off-campus school sponsored events must be reviewed and approved by University administration prior to the initiation of the event.
Off -campus school sponsored event:
1) Fill out Off- Campus Sponsored Event Application Form (See Student Services)
2) Obtain Department Chair or Department Head Signatures
3) Submit form to Director of Community and Student Engagement who reviews with Dean of Students
4) Application Form is brought to Provost/President's Cabinet for consideration
Sponsored Event Application Form must be submitted three weeks prior to the date of the event.
“Off- Campus” – any location not leased or owned by AdventHealth University, any location not owned by AdventHealth and not under contract as a University clinical site.
“Event” – any gathering that includes at least one faculty or staff and one student OR a gathering of persons unrelated to the University utilizing the property for purposes unrelated to official University Business.
“Off -Campus School Sponsored Event” - any gathering that occur off campus scheduled by at least one faculty or staff
Committee | Date Voted |
President's Council | Monday, April 4, 2016 |