Appearance Standards Policy

Policy #: 
HRC 503.006
Executive Owner: 
Director Human Resources

This policy applies to all employees of AdventHealth University.


The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent and professional appearance for employees throughout AdventHealth University.


At AdventHealth University, each department may have specific dress and apperance requirements and guidelines depending on the function of the area.  If specifics are not outlined, then employees are to follow the AdventHealth Appearance Standards Policy (CW HR 268).

For AHU employees, the only exceptions to the AdventHealth Appearance Standards are:

• AHU faculty and staff may use lanyards
• AHU faculty and staff may wear sleeveless tops

If faculty or staff are attending meetings, workshops, or events at other AdventHealth facilities, the respective AdventHealth Appearance Standards (CW HR 268) must be followed.


Not applicable


CommitteeDate VotedMinutes Code
President's CouncilMonday, July 15, 201919:22
Approved by: 
Edwin Hernandez
Approval Date: 
Monday, July 15, 2019
Effective Date: 
Monday, July 15, 2019
Review Date: 
Tuesday, February 8, 2022