This policy applies to adjunct faculty serving AdventHealth University.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that adjunct faculty have exemplary orientation, supervision, professional development opportunities, and evaluation in a consistent manner.
This policy assures a University-wide approach to adjunct faculty oversight and review. All adjunct faculty must meet faculty qualifications, including the appropriate degrees and experience, for the assigned teaching responsibilities. This will be determined through review of the curriculum vitae, transcripts provided to HR and a minimum of two references by the departmental leader involved with the process.
All adjuncts will follow the AHU HR designated procedures for employment at the University.
Adjunct faculty will attend the required new faculty orientation provided by the Faculty Development Committee. In addition, each department leader provides a discipline specific orientation to policies and procedures and HR provides any additional orientation materials needed to acclimate to the University. All online adjunct instructors will be oriented further through AHU Online.
Teaching Support/Training
All adjunct faculty are required to complete the online Faculty Resource Center course (located in the LMS) and complete the post-test with a score of 80% or better prior to teaching at AHU. Additionally, there are formal training opportunities offered throughout the year by the Faculty Development Committee. Adjuncts are expected to remain current in teaching pedagogy and content areas related to their teaching and are expected to keep up with best practices in content delivery that meet and enhance the hybrid learning environment
All adjuncts are required to complete the AdventHeatlh Learning Network (ALN) Courses that are sent to all employees throughout the year. To keep your AdventHealth account active you need to login to your account every couple of months.
Course evaluations are administered for each course taught by adjunct instructors. In addition, adjuncts who are continuously employed throughout an academic year receive course annual evaluations. The department leader is responsible for providing ongoing feedback (formative) to the adjuncts, through observation, course evaluation and performance discussions, which are documented. Annual evaluations (summative) must include documentation of feedback on student input, course management, and teaching skills. All adjuncts are expected to also adhere to mission oriented aspects of the University that are presented during the new faculty orientation and in the faculty orientations conducted by department leader(s) or designated faculty members.
All adjuncts are expected to attend departmental or other meetings, as requested by the department leader(s) for specific reasons related to their roles. Adjunct faculty members may be invited to attend professional development programs, department meetings, and activities throughout the trimester. They are also included in departmental and University communications as needed. Adjunct faculty members are expected to participate in assessment initiatives in the academic departments and may be invited to participate in curriculum development or other departmental processes.
Clinical adjunct faculty also participate in annual evaluation processes, but are exempt from expectations of departmental meeting attendance and other campus-based activities.
Adjunct Faculty -, click on yyyy-yyyy Faculty & Adjunct Faculty Handbook Home, number 7, then Faculty Types.
Committee | Date Voted | Minutes Code |
Academic Policies | Wednesday, December 9, 2020 | 20:70 |
President's Council | Wednesday, December 16, 2020 | 20:172 |