This policy is applicable to all students at AdventHealth University.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff relative to temporary injuries, illnesses, or other circumstances that might impact a student’s academics.
AdventHealth University recognizes that students may experience temporary injuries, illnesses, or other circumstances that impact their academics, resulting in the need for access to specific services and resources. Some examples of temporary disabilities include but are not limited to injured extremities, post-surgical recoveries, concussions, etc.
For academic considerations, students who have a temporary disability are encouraged to speak with their instructors about any accommodations they may need for the duration of their illness or injury. The instructor has the option to allow reasonable accommodations if approached by a student. If the instructor is unsure about the accommodations, he/she can reach out to the Office for Students with Disabilities.
For non-academic considerations (such as parking and other accessibility concerns), students who have a temporary disability can contact the Dean of Students at (407) 303-8016 for an appointment to discuss possible options.
It is expected that students will be communicative and forthright about the temporary disability and their perceived accommodation needs. A discussion regarding a student’s particular circumstances can provide insight into the type of services that might be appropriate. Accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis in consultation with other campus departments, depending on the nature of the request and what may be deemed necessary by the University.
For additional information and guidance concerning temporary disability accommodations, please contact Betty Varghese, Disability Services Coordinator, at 407-303-1870 or
Temporary Disability - a transitory impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less.
Committee | Date Voted | Minutes Code |
Academic Policies | Saturday, June 10, 2023 | 23:19 |
AHU Cabinet | Friday, June 16, 2023 | 23:38 |