The scope of this policy is for deceased students who were not able to complete their degree.
The purpose of this policy is to recognize students who have died prior to completing their degree.
A student may be considered for a Posthumous Degree or Certificate of Recognition if the student was enrolled in good standing with the university at the time of death and had completed enough of the planned degree program to be awarded such a degree or certificate of recognition. Department chairs for the program in which the student was enrolled may recommend the awarding of a Degree or Certificate of Recognition by submitting a written request to the Provost. The request should include a degree audit from the Registrar and other relevant information regarding the student's academic and non-academic standing. The Provost will present the request to the President's Council for final approval. If approved, the degree or certificate will be awarded at the time the student would have been expected to graduate.
Posthumous: Means after death.
Posthumous Degree: A degree awarded posthumously to a student who has completed at least 75% of the requirements for completions of the degree.
Certificate of Recognition: A certificate awarded posthumously to a student who has compelted less than 75% of the requirements for completion of the degree.
Committee | Date Voted | Minutes Code |
President's Council | Monday, September 21, 2020 | 20:130 |