This policy applies to all AdventHealth University (AHU) employees.
The purpose of this policy is to assure that all employees are hired, promoted, and supervised on the basis of individual merit and to prevent the showing of favoritism toward a relative within the same departments.
In the event it is deemed appropriate to employ and employee’s relative, the following criteria must be met.
- A relative cannot make or take any action to influence the decision to employ another relative.
- A relative cannot direct, supervise or manage the work or responsibility of another relative
- A relative cannot make or take any action to influence any decisions related to another relative’s compensation, evaluation of performance, or disciplinary actions
For two or more relatives to be employed in the same department, but not in a direct or indirect reporting relationship, it will be necessary to obtain prior approval from the president. If a working relationship contrary to this policy is created due to promotions, transfer, marriage or other circumstances, the affected individuals will be provided a reasonable time period at the discretion of this facility to voluntarily comply with this policy. This facility cannot guarantee that transfer or reassignment requests will be approved. Transfers will be based on the facility’s needs and available positions. If the situation is not resolved voluntarily by the employees, the director of Human Resources will take appropriate action to achieve compliance with this policy in accordance with applicable law.
Nepotism: Favoritism toward a relative or related person by staff’s supervisory individual.
Relative or relative person: Includes a spouse, child, father, mother, sibling, grandparents, grandchildren, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin, step or in-law equivalents and any person in a cohabitant relationship with the employee