Missing Student Notification Policy

Policy #: 
OPR 903.007
Executive Owner: 
Dean of Students

This Policy applies to all AHU employees of all campuses regarding all AHU students, whether or not they reside in AHU housing.


AdventHealth University (“AHU” or “the University”) is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for its students. To support this commitment, this Policy sets forth rules and procedures to be followed if a student of the University is reported missing.


It is the policy of AHU, through the collaboration of the Office of Student Services and Campus Security, to investigate any report of a missing student who is enrolled and attending classes at any AHU campus. This policy, with its accompanying procedures, establishes a framework for cooperation among members of the University community aimed at locating and assisting students who are reported missing.

All reports of missing students enrolled at the Orlando campus must be directed to the Office of Student Services at 407-303-8016; in these instances, AHU Campus Security, in conjunction with Student Services, will investigate each report and determine if further action is needed. All reports of missing students at AHU-Denver must be directed to the Chief Operating Officer at 407-765-6271; the Chief Operating Officer will lead the investigation of each report and determine if further action is needed.

All reports of missing students at AHU-Tampa must be directed to the Assistant Dean of Nursing at 407-303-7747 ex. 110-6154; the Assistant Dean will lead the investigation of each report and determine if further action is needed.

All students are provided the opportunity to register a confidential contact person or persons who will be notified within 24 hours of the confirmation that the student is missing. The information pertaining to this confidential contact will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.

If the student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, the University will notify the student’s custodial parent or guardian and any other designated contact person within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor, the University will contact local police and other law enforcement personnel with jurisdiction over the area no later than 24 hours of the confirmation that the student is missing.

Further information regarding this policy can be found in the AHU Student Handbook.


Missing Housing Student: a student who is absent from the housing facility for more than 48 hours.


CommitteeDate VotedMinutes Code
President's CouncilMonday, May 13, 201919:68
Approved by: 
Effective Date: 
Monday, May 13, 2019
Review Date: 
Monday, October 31, 2022
Monday, December 30, 2024