This Policy applies to all AdventHealth University employees who incur business related expenses on behalf of AdventHealth University when there is overnight travel.
The purpose of this Policy is to define reimbursable business-related travel expenses as they related to overnight business travel. These may include:
• Transportation costs (i.e. airfare, rail, or automobile travel);
• Meals and lodging (both en route and at the destination);
• Incidental expenses, including tips given to porters, bellhops, and others.
AdventHealth University recognizes that AdventHealth University Personnel may be required to travel or incur other expenses in order to conduct company business and further the mission of AdventHealth University. It is the policy of AdventHealth University to reimburse reasonable and necessary business-related expenses actually incurred by AdventHealth University Personnel. AdventHealth University Personnel are expected to exercise discretion and good business judgment and be cost conscious when incurring business expenses on behalf of AdventHealth University. Business-related expenses will be reimbursed to AdventHealth University Personnel through a uniform and consistent expense reporting procedure, supported by all required and complete documentation.
1. Transportation Costs
- Airfare AdventHealth University business travelers should utilize non-refundable economy airfares that are aligned with travel needs and times. Any use of private or charter air service must be approved in advance by the CEO of AdventHealth University. Business travelers should purchase airline tickets no less than 14 days prior to travel, to the extent practical. Receipts are required documentation.
- Credit for unused airline tickets is to be reported if the expense for the ticket was reimbursed. Credit for unused airline tickets must be used only for business purposes and must be utilized within the allowed time period before expiration.
2. Frequent flyer/hotel awards
- AdventHealth University employees may earn frequent flyer miles/bonus miles/hotel points as a result of AdventHealth University business travel. These frequent flyer/user awards may be used at the employee’s discretion. Any personal usage of the frequent flyer/hotel point awards earned while on business travel will not be treated as taxable income to the employee.
- Frequent flyer miles/hotel points earned as a result of business or personal travel that are utilized for subsequent business travel will be reimbursed at 100% of a two-week advance non-refundable published fare for an airline ticket/hotel stay that would have otherwise been required to be purchased. This reimbursement will be taxable to the employee. No gross-up should be provided to the employee with respect to the reimbursement.
3. Airline clubs/Air Travel Memberships – Not reimbursable.
4. Mileage/ Ground Transportation – Business miles shall be reimbursed effective mileage rate at time of travel. Mileage rates can be found on the AdventHealth Orlando Intranet and are reviewed and updated every quarter based on gas prices. Parking fees and toll charges incurred while on AdventHealth University business travel may be submitted for reimbursement.
- Out-of-town mileage reimbursement is limited to a 600-mile radius from the workplace. If destination is outside this radius, reimbursement is based on the combination of a seven-day advance purchase of an airline ticket, airport parking, round-trip airport mileage, and car rental or actual mileage, whichever is less.
- The seven-day advance purchase price should be documented by an authorized travel agency, airline ticket, or reservation service. If there is a need to drive more than 600 miles, prior approval must be obtained from the person to whom the employee reports and by a Vice President if the employee reports to a level below a Vice President.
- Travel to the airport from an employee’s residence or from employee’s primary work site location will be reimbursed. Mileage will also be reimbursed if the employee leaves directly from their permanent residence straight to a function of work other than AdventHealth University.
5. Rental cars – The University requires employees to use AVIS car rental when securing a rental car for business related travel. To make your reservation please go AVIS CAR RENTAL URL. This has the corporate discount number already supplied and this account provides insurance coverage. Please do not elect the additional coverage suggested by the car company. For your protection in the event of an accident, please do not rent compact or sub-compact cars.
6. Lodging - Moderately priced hotels should be selected. Personal services available at some hotels (i.e. movies, spa services) shall be the financial responsibility of the traveler. In select circumstances, refrigerators may be necessary for medical/health reasons and may be reimbursable if a separate charge is incurred, provided an explanatory comment as to the rationale for the necessity is included with the expense submission. Original itemized receipts from hotels are required to be submitted with the expense report. Employees should additionally use good judgment in securing a location that provides a safe environment.
7. Meals and Incidentals
- Employees on travel status will be reimbursed for meal and incidental expenses in an applicable amount equal to or less than the federal per diem rate for meals and incidentals as published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the locale in which the travel occurs. An employee will receive a per diem reimbursement based upon the hotel’s physical address location of their overnight stay and the per diem rate assigned to that location.
- Three levels or “zones” of per diem reimbursement will be established based upon location.
- A zone 1 per diem reimbursement will be equivalent to the IRS standard federal per diem rate.
- A zone 2 reimbursement rate will be established for those cities/locations listed as high-cost locations in IRS Publication 1542 with higher per diem rates than the IRS standard per diem rate but less than the highest cities/ locations within the U.S.
- A zone 3 per diem reimbursement will be applicable to only cities/locations listed in IRS Publication 1542 as having the highest per diem rate in the U.S.
- In the event that the destination city is not located on any of the zones 1-3, you will select the closest city on the respective zone tab.
- Incidental expenses are defined to include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, maids, and bellhops. Incidental expenses also include transportation costs between one’s temporary duty site and locations where meals are taken if suitable meals can be obtained at the temporary duty site.
8. Business and Personal Travel
It is sometimes reasonable to combine a business trip and personal trip or alter a trip for personal reasons utilizing PDO, weekends, etc. This is acceptable, provided that the reason for the business trip is clear so there is no question about its necessity, validity, or the expense involved. Personal expenses incurred in connection with such a trip should not be submitted for reimbursement. Reimbursement for an airline fare will not exceed the cost of a reasonable airline ticket for travel that would have been necessary to fulfill only the business purpose of the trip.
Overnight business traveler: An employee is considered to be away from home when the business trip is of a duration that requires an overnight stay.
Business-related travel expenses: Are reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by an AdventHealth University employee when traveling “away from home” and in the pursuit of business.