The process on the content, management and maintenance of first aid kits at AdventHealth University is as follows:
1. First aid kits are managed by the Office of Safety and Security at AHU
2. Each department should appoint a designee to be the first aid kit manager for the department
3. Department designees will contact the Director of Safety and Security at AHU to obtain their first aid kit. They will follow the directions for kit retrieval sent by the Director of Safety and Security.
4. Department designees will inform members of their department of the location of the first aid kit and who to contact if any supplies are missing.
5. When a first aid kit is low or missing supplies, the department designee will contact the Director of Safety and Security and they will replenish or replace the kit.
6. All kits may include at a minimum the following supplies:
- Adhesive bandages- various sizes
- Bandage scissors
- Cotton
- Gauze pads (3x3, 4x4)
- Icepack (chemical)
- Non-latex medical gloves
- Antiseptic towelettes
- Medical tape (1')
- Buffered eye wash
- Roller gauze (1'-3')
- Knuckle and fingertip bandages
- Triangular bandages
- Elastic bandages (Ace wrap)
- Self-adhering gauze bandages
- Medical mask
- Saline
- Antiseptic cream/ointment
Please note that no medications, including over-the-counter medications will be kept in the first aid kits, adhering to the Medicine Distribution Policy.
A person that is injured on campus needs to complete the AHU Incident Form. Additionally the employee needs to complete the AdventHealth Workplace Injury Event Form, available on the Hub (QuickLinks, Workplace Injury Event).
First aid kits: A set of materials or tools giving emergency treatment to a sick or injured person.
Committee | Date Voted | Minutes Code |
Strategic and Operational Planning | Wednesday, September 29, 2021 | 21:16 |