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Policies & Procedures

Policy # Title Effective Date Review Date Policy Categorysort descending Keyword
DGM 304.002 PR Community & Student Engagement Fundraising Standard Operating Procedure 09/29/2021 10/19/2023 Development & Grants Management Fundraiser
FIN 404.004 Travel and Business-Related Expenses - Overnight 07/01/2015 04/14/2019, 01/26/2022 Finance Travel, Expense
FIN 404.005 Travel and Business-Related Expenses - Non-Overnight Travel Policy 07/01/2015 12/01/2015, 01/14/2019, 01/14/2022 Finance Travel, Expense
FIN 404.001 Employee Reimbursements Policy 12/12/2014 12/01/2015, 01/14/2019, 01/14/2022 Finance Reimbursement, Travel, Expense
FIN 404.002 Travel and Business-Related Expenses Reimbursements Policy 07/01/2015 12/01/2015, 01/14/2019, 01/25/2022 Finance Expense, Reimbursement
FIN 404.006 Travel and Business-Related Expenses - Professional Dues, Certifications, Publications Policy 07/01/2015 01/14/2019, 01/14/2022 Finance Travel, Expense
FIN 404.003 [RETIRED] Travel and Business-Related Expenses - Cell Phone/Data Devices 07/01/2015 01/14/2019 Finance [RETIRED]
FIN 406.001 PR Research Participation Remuneration Standard Operating Procedure 10/18/2021 07/20/2023 Finance
FIN 407.001 Purchasing Policy 08/20/2019, 01/14/2022 Finance Expense, Travel
HRC 502.001 Faculty Workload Policy 02/18/2019 01/10/2022 Human Resources/Compliance Faculty, Mentoring, Mission, Overload, Teaching, Scholarship, Service, Workload
HRC 503.008 Student Worker Allowable Work Hours Policy 09/29/2021 04/15/2022, 11/18/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Hours, Student Workers
HRC 503.007 Medicine Disbursement to Employees Policy 08/02/2021 03/02/2022 Human Resources/Compliance Medicine
HRC 503.001 [RETIRED] Breast Feeding Support Policy 03/23/2015 03/18/2019 Human Resources/Compliance [RETIRED]
HRC 503.009 Physical Presence Policy 08/05/2020 07/01/2022, 05/22/2023 Human Resources/Compliance Physical Presence, Location
HRC 503.002 Faculty Taking Student Attendance Policy 06/01/2016 03/08/2019, 03/16/2022 Human Resources/Compliance Attendance
HRC 503.003 Graduation Participation Policy 05/02/2016 03/18/2019, 10/04/2022, 11/18/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Graduation, Participation
HRC 503.005 Ethical Relationship Policy 10/07/2020 06/29/2022, 12/08/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Relationship
HRC 503.004 Rest and Meal Breaks and Leaving Work Areas Policy 06/26/2016 03/18/2019, 03/02/2022, 12/10/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Break, Meal, Lunch
HRC 504.003 PR Professional Adjunct Faculty Standard Operating Procedure 02/21/2022 12/10/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Professional, Adjunct
HRC 504.003 Professional Adjunct Faculty Policy 02/21/2022 12/09/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Professional, Adjunct
HRC 504.001 Code of Conduct – Hiring Relatives Policy 06/15/2015 03/18/2019, 03/02/2022, 11/27/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Relatives, Nepotism, Hiring
HRC 504.002 New Employee Housing Request Policy 10/03/2016 03/18/2019, 10/04/2022, 11/18/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Housing
HRC 507.002 Employees Response to Emails and Phone Messages Policy 12/06/2021 12/09/2024 Human Resources/Compliance Response, Emails, Phone
HRC 507.001 Adjunct Orientation and Evaluation Policy 12/16/2020 11/30/2022 Human Resources/Compliance Adjunct, Orientation, Evaluation
INT 604.001 Laptop/Mobile Device for Learning Policy 07/13/2022 Information Technology Laptop, Mobile device, Specifications
